What to Expect
As a visitor to Crossroads Church of Christ we want you to feel welcomed. Your level of participation in our worship service is up to you. When you visit a Sunday morning worship service you can expect to find the following:
Various songs of praise and encouragement will be lead by our worship leader. The songs will be projected on the screen at the front of the auditorium, or if you prefer, you can use the song books located in front of each pew. Our singing is a cappella (without musical instruments.)
There will be several prayers lead during the service. Our Shepherd's prayer, lead by one of our Elders, is a petition for the specific needs and requests of the church.
The preacher will talk approximately 25-30 minutes. He bears no special title and wears no special vestments since the Bible calls all members to the priesthood and considers all to be equal. The preaching will be Bible-centered.
At the close of the sermon the preacher will extend an invitation to provide the opportunity for anyone in need to publicly respond.
Lord's Supper
Each Sunday morning we observe this ceremony established by Jesus and practiced by the early church. It is designed to focus our minds on the sacrifice of Christ. We have recently resumed a traditional format for serving the Lord’s supper, however, there are single-serve communion kits available for anyone who is not comfortable participating in the passing of communion trays.
As our guest, you are not expected to contribute. For those wishing to contribute, there are two contribution boxes available in the building.