Service Opportunities

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
— Matthew 20:28
  • Paper product collection

    There is an ongoing collection of paper products such as: toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, and feminine hygiene products to support DVSSP. A collection box is located in the foyer.

  • Writing cards to nursing home residents

    We have an ongoing mission to send greeting cards to the residents of McMurray Hills Manor and ProMedica (formally Manor care).

    If you wish to help, cards are available at the building, or you can use your own. Once written, they can be placed in the manila folder that hangs on the small bulletin board in the foyer.

  • Healing Hands International MAGI Boxes

    Filling MAGI boxes provides an opportunity to serve children in various parts of the world. Hygiene items, educational items, toys, as well as other necessities and fun things are packed up for all age groups and are dispersed where they are needed.

  • Other Service Projects

    Throughout each year various opportunities arise to help those in need, locally and abroad. Check the Worship and Events calendar for specific dates.

    Handmade blankets and devotionals for cancer treatment patients

    Monthly nursing home visits

    Finleyville Food Pantry

    Dominican Republic Mission Trip